Thursday, September 13, 2007

limping leg, lost match, and a dead puppy........

if i ever had to correlate an entire day by the sunrise......that has to b today. i have never seen the Sun so shy, hiding behind clouds and totally unwilling to bloom . i know i have this overbearing effect on people when i luk t them but even the surya devta finding it difficult just flatters me beyond belief.
nyways i needed an Ego boost and some motivation today as it was our football eliminations round......... i reached college at 9 and Quickly got into my football gear. our match was delayed by 2 hrs and the very fact that we wud b playing under the same sun which was as coy as a newly wed bride in da morning and slowly turning as intimidating as phoolan devi was becoming bothersome. Still not worrying about our complexion we practised for whtever time we got. some of da guys in the team had their first confrontation with football , which was being kicked every where in da ground other than where it should have. Game Plans , strategies wer pouring in every minute and every guys eves dropping in to every other teams strategy just tells how competitive management students can get.:)
Finally at 11 our match started under da blazing sun..............and even before da game started teams got into an argument as to who wud b da coach and then later for da toss.............. after all da initial drama the match started. to turn a fun luving game into a blood bath........... an incompetent refree is all wht u need...... and our fellow refree was an ace in this matter in wht ever he did. from arranging farewells to using his intellectual capabiliies. we wer awarded with four fouls in less than four minutes and within some time the 5th one thanks to our refree who lost his coool with opponent team booing for his abilities............ A purrrrrrfect picture of Chaos.
the opponent team was awarded a penalty shootout as is da rules of ring football. with dice falling with all da right numbers for them today i was not very disappointed with the goal. soon halftime was over and we changed sides and also decided to become offensive. we wer busy near da goal post but the much needed goal always eluded. we managed to let the other team commit 5 fouls and we got a chance for a penalty shootout.
A scene stolen outrightly from "Chak De india" we had one shot to draw level ......... i cudin take da shot coz i had hurt my leg dam badly my fellow team mate tuk da initiative to become the hero of da day. i kept mumbling to myself........"hit it straight".......... he never bothered to luk at me niether de he goal........Anticlimax.!!!!......... shud ask Mr Kabir khan how was he able to do tht?:P
dejection and dissappointment was etched in each of our face. with alll da entusiasm and josh gone thru da drain, the pain in my left thigh became all da more excruciating. draggin myself to 3rd floor i somehow reached my class and kept my foot up for a while. the pain was not decreasing at all and 3 hour economics lec starting......... i knew i had to brace myslef for a tough day ahead. Sir taught us a bit of Advanced eco today about IS and LM curves and BOP curves which went over head like those fighter planes in an Air show. My stomach was making earnest plea to b fed and and cud hear all kinda weird sounds it made. finally the much wanted break arrived and i again had to drag myself to 5th floor. as expected the canteen was jam packed so all da plans of having a wholesome meal was outta da window. i had to grab a pack of biscuit and tell my stomach to b content with thth for sometime. the lec started soon and now with pain n hunger i had fatigue to fight with....... i tried every possible way to sit and sleep without Sir noticing me but failed to do so and somehow kept my head upright till lec got over( catching a few winks in between) a battle worn soldier i headed home and after a painstaking 40 mins.............. got a bus in which i cud sit................
by 5 i reached home and mom told me to get milk if m intrested in having coffee. so again had to limp to dairy to get milk. after spraying my leg and having coffee and a decent meal, took my dog out for a walk since he has been having an upset stomach for a few days. that is when i heard the dreaded news that one of the two small puppies who used to always play wid me died noontime. holding back my tears for God knows what reason, i strolled for sometime out.
Feeling da cold this world has to offer and brooding over tht pupppies death ...... all da memories of how he used to grab my slippers and bite my foot and fall over and rest on it like it was his haven . all these thoughts went like a breeze never to come back but with a feeling of despair.....
i look outside, seeking for that sun which i saw this morning,to ask him whether he knew all this wud happen and he never wished that he rose today for me too go thru this pain.........

with a limping leg, but even more painful memories i am waiting for him to rise tommorow..........

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