Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Where is the spirit of Celebration yaaar?

i finaaly get to write about something which has left me confused occasionally and disgusted mostly after dealing with the 100th solicitation by mail or pop-up for the " Cheapest, most romantic Valentine gifts and ideas"!. Damn!, these internet search engines have become smarter but let me tell you that the lowest priced gift was around thousand bucks! The Price you have to pay to love your dear ones is getting dearer and dearer...........

Picture this- i need to get an expert financial planner to plan in advance for ... not insurance , education, marriage and all du-uh!, but for valentines day, Mothers day, Sisters Day, Teachers Day, Father Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Romeo met Juliet For the first time Day, Romeo forgot to call up juliet Day, Friendship Day, Haloweeen, Presidents Day,.................. the list is very very long. Honouring these God sent loving souls is very much appreciable but using it burn gaping holes in someones wallet isnt sweet. Before you get an impression that this view is coming from someone who is a leader of the cheap and miser group, let me clarify that the issue which i will bring up is not anywhere close to money.Being a MBA in Finance, i just can imagine a handful of noblest gesture done today without gain/ulterior motives.Since its Valentine's Day i would use it as the red carpet to arrive at the Grand entrance to my topic.

Valentine's Day besides being the day for bringing smiles to all girl friends and tears to their boyfriends, it also setss the cash registers ringing across the world.Please Go through this link to see the magnitude of business done on valentines day.

This day is abused so outrightly in this world that i would end up loosing my beloved if make her feel special everyday of the year but valentines day!. The "Single and Virgin" stigma attached only to America started spreading its fangs to all parts of the world. It has come to such a sad state that i have heard very few in my lifetime someone saying" i love someone".......... all i hear is" i have a Boyfriend/Galfriend". it is hep to be hitched and laid rather than to be loved. So, we have everyone celebrating love every year, with no more love gained..... or worse lot lost. Apart from commercial viability, do we really value these special relationshipss and days we celebrate?. No one can do justice to a mother, sister, friend or even your country by remembering them for a day, then why do we fall into the nets trapped by people with vested intrests. it has been an on going debate to know "if Business and Ethics can go hand in hand" and however hard people try its is a saddening fact that one hand twists the other at some point of time. But the cost being paid to sustain business of "caring about others" is not something worth for. the number of age old homeless people, divorce cases happeneing, violence in states,.......... the numbers are not dwindling at all. its growing at an alarming rate.We as Soul-less creatures being totally oblivious to anything which doesnt bother us intend to snuggle in our cocoon of bliss till eternity to make us feel better.

The recent event happenings in Mumbai has put the entire city in shame. we boast of Unity in Diversity,religious tolerance , and lots more but r cowered down by a few handful people. Is this the Spirit of MUM-bai????? is it what we boast about being Indian. i feel less guility of not making a voters id card till now......... it is high time that we try, to understand , to introspect, to value and to live each and every occasion of our life, Maybe,someday the spirit of celebrations would be revived and every day would be a celebration

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